Ratum et Consummatum: Refiguring Non-Penetrative Sexual Activity Theologically, in Light of Intersex Conditions December 28, 2010 Canon Law Christianity consummation DSD intersex journal religion sexuality theology +
Sex and Uncertainty in the Body of Christ is Published and Available! December 05, 2010 books Christianity DSD Equinox intersex religion sexuality theology +
Dancing Theology in Fetish Boots: Essays in Honour of Marcella Althaus-Reid August 25, 2010 books Christianity disability queer relational SCM sexuality theology +
Wild Rice and Queer Dissent: Wrestling with God in Genesis 32:22-32 August 19, 2010 Bible journal queer relational theology violence +
What Religion or Reason Could Drive a Man to Forsake His Lover? Relational Theology, Co-Creativity and the Intersexed Body of Christ May 08, 2010 books Christ Christa Christianity DSD Equinox intersex relational religion SCM theology +
Reprint of one of my essays in Christianity (Library of Essays on Sexuality and Religion) March 23, 2010 Ashgate books Christianity intersex sexuality transgender +
Queer Theologie: Sporen van een Vreemde God (Queer Theology: Traces of a Strange God) February 10, 2010 Christianity queer theology translation +
Express and Echo comment piece on intersex and Christianity January 20, 2010 Christianity intersex media +