Day Workshop on Variant Sex and Gender, Religion and Wellbeing

Day Workshop on Variant Sex and Gender, Religion and Wellbeing
Second workshop of the Variant Sex and Gender, Religion and Faith Research Network
University of Exeter, 19th June 2015, 10am-4pm

Convener: Dr Susannah Cornwall, Department of Theology and Religion, University of Exeter, Director of EXCEPT (Exeter Centre for Ethics and Practical Theology)

Keynote speakers include:
Revd Dr Christina Beardsley, Head of Multifaith Chaplaincy, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust; Sibyls transgender spirituality group
Maria Morris, Clinical Team Leader, The Laurels Gender Identity Clinic, Exeter; NHS England Clinical Reference Group for Gender Identity Services.
Dr Stephen Kerry, Lecturer in Sociology, Charles Darwin University, Australia (via Skype)
Maxwell Zachs, Queer and Trans Jews UK

This day workshop focuses on variant sex and gender, religion and wellbeing. It takes place as part of the Variant Sex and Gender, Religion and Faith Research Network, whose key questions include:
·         How are variant sex and gender understood and responded to in the Christian, Jewish and Islamic traditions?
·         How can the work of academics researching variant sex and gender in Christianity, Islam and Judaism be informed by, and be made more accessible to, faith communities and intersex and transgender support and advocacy groups?
·         How do support and advocacy groups for intersex and transgender people promote spiritual as well as physical, psychological and emotional wellbeing for their members?

To register for this workshop, please use the online booking page at There is a fee of £10, to include lunch and refreshments.

To propose a short paper (20 minutes maximum) on the theme of Variant Sex and Gender, Religion and Wellbeing, please send a title and an abstract of 100 words to Dr Susannah Cornwall ( with the e-mail subject line “Workshop on Variant Sex and Gender, Religion and Wellbeing”. Your e-mail should include your name, current course of study (if any), current job title (if any), and current affiliation (if any – e.g. “University of Manchester”, “UK Intersex Association”, “Methodist Church”). The deadline for receiving abstracts is 24th April 2015. Applicants whose proposals are accepted will be informed by 1st May 2015.

The Variant Sex and Gender, Religion and Faith Research Network is committed to expanding dialogue between intersex and transgender advocates and activists, academics and faith leaders, ensuring that cost of travel and accommodation is not a barrier to face-to-face contact and conversation. To this end, a limited number of bursaries to cover standard class UK travel and one night’s accommodation in Exeter are available. Priority will be given to unwaged and low-waged applicants. To apply for a bursary please contact Dr Susannah Cornwall ( stating your name, current course of study (if any), current job title (if any), current affiliation (if any – e.g. “University of Manchester”, “UK Intersex Association”, “Methodist Church”), and a statement of up to 150 words outlining why you would like to attend the workshop and need a bursary. The closing date for bursary applications is 15th May 2015.
