I have a paper in Theology and Sexuality 21.1 (2015), 20-35, entitled "'Something There Is That Doesn't Love a Wall': Queer Theologies and Reparative Readings".
A set of recent conversations among scholars working in queer cultural and literary theory has focused on the trope of reparative reading. Reparative readings, usually contrasted with the “paranoid” criticism of those working in the Butlerian tradition, are often informed by the writings of Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick. This article explores the “reparative turn” in the context of Christian queer theologies, and suggests that it may include practices of “sociability with the dead”: both listening to and honouring the abjected past of queer ancestors, and continuing to be in conversation with the damaging and hurtful parts of the Christian tradition as a means of holding them accountable.
There are some great papers by other scholar-friends in this issue, including Linn Marie Tonstad's "The Limits of Queer Inclusion: Queer Theology and its Others", and Adriaan Van Klinken and Lilly Phiri's "'In the Image of God': Reconstructing and Developing a Grassroots African Queer Theology from Urban Zambia". It's well worth your time!
A set of recent conversations among scholars working in queer cultural and literary theory has focused on the trope of reparative reading. Reparative readings, usually contrasted with the “paranoid” criticism of those working in the Butlerian tradition, are often informed by the writings of Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick. This article explores the “reparative turn” in the context of Christian queer theologies, and suggests that it may include practices of “sociability with the dead”: both listening to and honouring the abjected past of queer ancestors, and continuing to be in conversation with the damaging and hurtful parts of the Christian tradition as a means of holding them accountable.
There are some great papers by other scholar-friends in this issue, including Linn Marie Tonstad's "The Limits of Queer Inclusion: Queer Theology and its Others", and Adriaan Van Klinken and Lilly Phiri's "'In the Image of God': Reconstructing and Developing a Grassroots African Queer Theology from Urban Zambia". It's well worth your time!
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